Drug Driving

Challenge Your Drug Driving Case with an Expert

Been pulled over for suspected drug driving? Don't panic. A drug driving charge can be stressful, but Colin Mitchell is a skilled drug driving defence lawyer.

Understanding Drug Driving Laws in New Zealand

New Zealand has strict laws against driving under the influence of drugs, including cannabis, methamphetamine, and certain medications. A positive drug test or evidence of impaired driving can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • Loss of licence
  • Fines
  • Disqualification from driving a commercial vehicle
  • Potential jail time

Potential Defences for Drug Driving Charges

There are various grounds we can explore to fight your drug driving charges, including:

  • Procedural Errors: Did the police officer follow proper procedures during the stop?
  • Challenging Drug Test Results: Were the breath or blood tests administered correctly? Can the results be contested?
  • Mitigating Circumstances: Did you have a medical reason for having drugs in your system, or unknowingly ingest a substance?
  • Unreliable Impairment Assessment: Can we demonstrate weaknesses in the police officer's assessment of your impairment?

Don't Let a Drug Driving Charge Define You

Facing a drug driving charge can be stressful, but you don't have to navigate this alone. Colin Mitchell is here to fight for you.